Thursday, July 28, 2011

*...Holy Cow, is July over Already...*

To say the least...I HAVE BEEN SOOOOO BUSY!

Lots of baking and an extra helping of craziness has been happening in the Stalnaker house this month.  Two broken, (yes I said 2) cell phones, a slight car heart attack...just the battery, whew, but I towed it 30 miles away because I just new the whole car was for certain, undoubtedly, dead and we wanted the right guys to do the fixing! 
All the while, school starts in two days ( minus the weekend of course )! 

With all that off my chest now, on to the baking and decorating! 

Our close friends "Danny and Tiffany" got hitched last weekend and I'm so glad they did, because it gave me the opportunity to make a cake that I have been pinning to make f-o-r-e-v-e-r, and they get to live happily ever after, of course!

 "THE MARTHA STEWART, totally-awesome-how am i going to pull this off, CALICO CAKE

The bride, is super trendy and had just the right look for this cake!  
I was phsyched and 2,000 cut outs later, may I present to you,

I actually had a really good time making this cake and it couldn't have been
for a nicer (if that's a word) wedding!
I looked over the calendar yesterday and thought Holy Cow, July is over...weren't we just shooting fireworks yesterday, (we'll actually we weren't , wink wink, thats illegal where I'm from!)  So I made myself a plan and have been trying to stick to it...hence the 2 broken phones, car attack, and toddler chasing... I'm a little behind!  

I have been working on a station calendar/ guide to make my life eaisier this year...I tend to find lots of great ideas but forget to maintain the bare bones of the station so ...I have maped out a coulple "have to's" for my kiddos and then I hope to add all the awesome new printables i've found from,
The Inspired Apple and The First Grade Parade, as the year goes on!

It's a work in progress... but if you want a peek just click the link !

Due to my obsession with centers this week I have two new BIG BOOKS PRINTABLES to share! Hope you guys like them!

In a nutshell, it's been crazy around here and the truth of the matter is it's going to get crazier next week when we report back to school!  I found this button on-line and I couldn't have said it better myself!
* Happy End of Summer,
       Mary Beth

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Been buzzzy getting my things ready for our new school year...and couldn't wait to share this printable I made!

Busy Bees Hard at Work!
"just click on the picture for your copy"

* Don't Worry BEE Happy*

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

*...3 Weeks and Counting...*

After attending a profesional development this's time to get busy!

I just wanted to share some of the things I will be introducing into my classroom ...
First off, ZERO THE HERO!
Many of you may be familiar with this guy, he loves to stomp numbers every 10 days! Dr. Jean has a song that you can sing with your kiddos and my link will give you cards to send home to parents for skip counting practice!

My next project is to create "Word Ribbons" for each of our theme units!

*Happy Summer*

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

*...So much to do, So little time...*

So I have been thinking about all of these center ideas that I want to create for my classroom in the fall ! 
I have been taking on alot of novelty cakes these last few weeks and needless to say they have been great inspirations...

Coming soon....
Math Kites
photography by: Kristen Jeffers Photography

Crabby Crustaceans and Shell Friends

And...Are We There Yet?
*A Maps Activity*
I can't wait to get these activities finished...I am hoping they will be a hit with my kiddos. 
"C" is for Cookie
On another note i have been getting a lot of cookie orders lately and I wanted to spread some cookie joy to my blogging buddies!  If you want the perfect sugar cookie cut-out you need to add enough flour to the dough to make the dough dense like playdough! 
Don't worry about taste...the sugar or icing your decorating with will make up for the extra fluff!

Ugh....My Stick Won't Stick!
P.S. if you're wanting cookies on a stick, make a thick cookie cut-out and just as your pulling the cookies off the baking sheet carefully push the stick into the warm will shrink around the stick during cooling and keep a firm hold for presentation!

*Happy Summer*
             Mary Beth

Thursday, June 23, 2011

*....Today is the day!....*

Well here goes...I am super excited about posting on this new blog o' mine!  
I have been obsessing over a few teaching blogs that i have recently found and finally decided to make a go of my own!  
I love to share and be shared with so I hope to tag on lots of my fave blog spots for all of you out there who have little time, little money, and even fewer sleep deprived brain cells!  I am currently teaching first grade and my second profession is toddler chasing!  I have a word of mouth bakery, The Happy Baker, and I am super blessed to have an awesome hubby who puts up with all my "hobbies"!  
I hope to share lots soon...because we are on school vacay...I won't have too much to say about classroom activities but I hope to use some of the summer to master this blogging thing...and maybe share some of the gooey goodness that comes from my kitchen!
Violets for baby Violet