Thursday, June 23, 2011

*....Today is the day!....*

Well here goes...I am super excited about posting on this new blog o' mine!  
I have been obsessing over a few teaching blogs that i have recently found and finally decided to make a go of my own!  
I love to share and be shared with so I hope to tag on lots of my fave blog spots for all of you out there who have little time, little money, and even fewer sleep deprived brain cells!  I am currently teaching first grade and my second profession is toddler chasing!  I have a word of mouth bakery, The Happy Baker, and I am super blessed to have an awesome hubby who puts up with all my "hobbies"!  
I hope to share lots soon...because we are on school vacay...I won't have too much to say about classroom activities but I hope to use some of the summer to master this blogging thing...and maybe share some of the gooey goodness that comes from my kitchen!
Violets for baby Violet


  1. Yay! A new blog to check out. By the way, I'm going to be teaching with the wife of someone you went to high school with (now that's a complicated sentence).

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I love your new blog!
